Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 16 5th Writing - Power

It is something everyone seeks, afflicted or healthy, and humans as well as the "inhuman" have proved willing to do anything in its pursuit. Macbeth was a great example of the theme that permeates every membrane of human interaction and organizations. Not to mention the ethnocentric social groups of humans: Power Corrupts. However it is not true that all in positions of power were corrupted. Some were born corrupted or even disturbed before they began seeking power. Such people have inherent advantages for the task. Macbeth was one of the morally superior before he began his conquest and killed his soul. He was not naturally gifted. But he died with a mind akin to an evil man. What brings us most power though. This is a principle I hold close to the void where my heart should be: Knowledge gives you power over the unknowledgeable. Do not indulge in the useless motivational suggestions your parents and teachers gave you in your youth. When they said," You can do anything you want. Just apply yourself and get the proper marks and everything will be fine." No kiddies it won't. Grades are indicative of nothing more than temporary dedication. One short lived passion after another that quickly eclipses its former. Remember this for the exam and once you get the grade forget it so you can make space for the next barrage of information. Keep your notes for the midterm and final exams. This method of education is not useful. True mental work is all that is needed. Work on your own and commit the knowledge to the mind. Information you find useful in your pursuit of power. This learning method is good at educating you but it will not get you any certifications which are all that matter to anyone. People want something to show for themselves yet are not satisfied with just knowing themselves. How many truly smart people have you met in college and not just people who chased the grades. There are many stupid people to outsmart.

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