Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 2 Second Writing - Meaning of Life

People like to say that their life has some purpose. That life in general has purpose. Life is like currency; The value is decided by those who use it. It is only worth as much as you declare it is. The value of such things is a man-made construct. I see no meaning in life. I am not depressed, I just know that all things eventually end. And once you die it is not as if you will remember life. I live as pleasantly as I possibly can. I seek only pleasure in the purest forms it can be found in. I am a hedonist. As are all others. They may not truly believe such a statement but all anyone seeks is pleasure. The means by which people achieve it vary, but the outcome is always the same. Humans like to judge you by what you derive pleasure from. People who get theirs from helping others and doing nice things are said to be morally good. While those who enjoy violence, manipulating others, or using drugs are said to be immoral or evil. Humans cannot understand that their means are incidental. They are decided by the individual's personality, one of the things no one has any control over. Saying they do is tantamount to saying they can control how attractive or intelligent they are. Therefore it must be said that all are hedonistic. For none can control what brings them pleasure. The depressed masochist sitting on a toilet cutting themselves is still trying to bring pleasure to themselves. They simply derive it from something eccentric. If cutting themselves brought no feelings of pleasure, they would not be doing it. I take pleasure from few things: Being cruel; physically or emotionally, Being plenipotentiary to others, Outwitting and decieving, breaking the law, and possessing an affinity with a certain person. I know that all of these things, except perhaps the last, mean nothing. I am an atheist, but I agreed with the bible when it said,"All is vanity." Nothing is ever permenant. Life is meaningless unless you make it meaningful. But most cannot get it, and will never know how to. And most lack the stomach to pursue it. Not everyone gets to be happy.

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